Yes you read that right.  And not only are these profiteroles free from gluten, dairy and sugar, I think they taste even better than the real thing.  Try it out for yourself and read on to find out how to make these gorgeous guilt free Gluten, Dairy and Sugar Free Profiteroles.

Making choux pastry is quite a challenge in itself, so you probably think that making a gluten free version isn’t possible.  You may have tasted a lot of gluten free bakes that are heavy and dense, the texture isn’t quite right, or it just crumbles to pieces.  But trust me when I say that these gorgeous little puffs of pastry are so light and delicate, and they taste just like normal choux pastry. 

And I’ve done all the hard work for you by testing different recipes and baking temperatures. 

My 3 key tips to making these work:

  1. Get the dough right.  The texture needs to be thick and smooth, be pipeable and maintain its shape when piped into balls.  If the mixture is too runny it won’t hold, so adding the egg in parts is crucial to finding the right texture.  If using large eggs, you’ll likely not need to use all of it.

  2. The more steam the more rise.  Choux pastry puffs up when the liquid in the dough evaporates.  To make sure you get as much rise as possible create more steam by placing a baking tray of water into the bottom of the oven, and/or splash water onto the tray of profiteroles before baking.    

  3. Start with a high temperature to help the rise and then lower it to dry them out.  The oven needs to be really hot to begin the evaporation process.  And once the choux have risen well, turning down the oven will dry them out to create that crisp pastry shell and avoid burning.

I always get really excited when I see choux rising in the oven, knowing that the most of the hard work is already done and I’ll have a successful bake on my hands.
The next step is getting the filling right and I love nothing more than simple coconut cream.  I much prefer that fresh light taste that coconut cream has to normal dairy cream which I find can feel quite heavy on the palate, even more so with rich crème patisserie.  
Lightly sweetened vanilla coconut cream, crisp choux pastry shells, and a little drizzle of chocolate sauce is the perfect dessert.  Even more perfect that they’re gluten free, dairy free, and have zero sugar!

What more could you ask for?  Here’s how to make these heavenly guilt free Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Profiteroles.

Making choux pastry is quite a challenge in itself, so you probably think that making a gluten free version isn’t possible.  You may have tasted a lot of gluten free bakes that are heavy and dense, the texture isn’t quite right, or it just crumbles to pieces.  But trust me when I say that these gorgeous little puffs of pastry are so light and delicate, and they taste just like normal choux pastry. 

And I’ve done all the hard work for you by testing different recipes and baking temperatures. 

My 3 key tips to making these work:

  1. Get the dough right.  The texture needs to be thick and smooth, be pipeable and maintain its shape when piped into balls.  If the mixture is too runny it won’t hold, so adding the egg in parts is crucial to finding the right texture.  If using large eggs, you’ll likely not need to use all of it.

  2. The more steam the more rise.  Choux pastry puffs up when the liquid in the dough evaporates.  To make sure you get as much rise as possible create more steam by placing a baking tray of water into the bottom of the oven, and/or splash water onto the tray of profiteroles before baking.    

  3. Start with a high temperature to help the rise and then lower it to dry them out.  The oven needs to be really hot to begin the evaporation process.  And once the choux have risen well, turning down the oven will dry them out to create that crisp pastry shell and avoid burning.

I always get really excited when I see choux rising in the oven, knowing that the most of the hard work is already done and I’ll have a successful bake on my hands.
The next step is getting the filling right and I love nothing more than simple coconut cream.  I much prefer that fresh light taste that coconut cream has to normal dairy cream which I find can feel quite heavy on the palate, even more so with rich crème patisserie.  
Lightly sweetened vanilla coconut cream, crisp choux pastry shells, and a little drizzle of chocolate sauce is the perfect dessert.  Even more perfect that they’re gluten free, dairy free, and have zero sugar!

What more could you ask for?  Here’s how to make these heavenly guilt free Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Profiteroles.

Ta-da!  I hope I made this process easy for you and you get to enjoy these amazing Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar free Profiteroles.  They’re so more-ish you’ll have to stop yourself from eating the whole batch in one go! 


